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Philosophy and Application

To start, I would like to state my why. Everyone's why is their purpose, and focus in life. Your why is what really matters to you, what you value. Your why is the reason you do what you do. My number one reason why I do what I do is that I love the Lord. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and want to become like him. I want to live with my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and my eternal family forever. I value family relationships and someday I hope to include a marital relationship in that. I know families can be together forever and I spend a lot of time and energy to make sure I am able to spend quality time with my loved ones. I value healthy relationships and work earnestly on myself to be a transitional character. I want happy and righteous children. I believe everything is a gift from God, and I show him my gratitude by spending time in nature and using my body for righteous purposes. I value being in the here and now, while also preparing for the future.

My Personal Philosophy

I always knew I wanted to get married, but the older I got the scarier it became to me. I was daunted by the responsibility and commitment I would face as a wife and mother. However, Through this class and my own personal study I have been able to develop a deeper understanding of what is to be gained. I believe that man (and woman) were not meant to be alone, that the full measure of our creation is to be one in marriage. I believe marriage is more than a paper and was not created by man but by God. The order of marriage is the order of Heaven. I believe marriage in the temple is the most important decision in our eternity. In a temple sealing we enter into a sealing covenant with God and a promise to our spouse. A marriage is not meant to be easy but is where we can discover a full measure of joy. Marriage takes great care.

Things to Remember

  • Before you can marry someone you must have a deep and abiding friendship. In Tammy's own words," If you don't want to marry your bestfriend you're a freaking idiot" (Hill, 2023). There is so much pressure on dating and marriage but really we just need to make friends. Keep physical relationships off the table and build emotional connections (Hill, 2023).

  • You need to risk a little and be matched to create emotional intimacy. This means being vulnerable and moving past the comfortable, surface level conversations so that a bond can be formed (Hill, 2023). Are you willing to risk a little to make a good friend?

  • comparing dating to a fishing, you need to stop fishing with a pole; reeling one fish in at a time. start fishing with nets. There is no need to put pressure on being in a relationship and exclusively dating, just make friendships (Hill, 2023).

  • Get noticed in good ways. Often in my life I wondered if others could see past my physical appearance, something I hardly had control over. I put so much effort into my testimony, into my studies, and into my passionate hobbies, but at times I wondered if others could see my efforts. That is what it means to be noticed in good ways. Catch someone's attention by always serving, by being kind, or by being dedicated to your why (Hill, 2023).

  • Attraction is not the determining factor in making a friend. Don't walk into a place already decided who you aren't interested in getting to know (Hill, 2023). 

  • It is not okay to play with others feelings. Every skill and principle that is learned for dating and courtship should only be used in a genuine manner. Going on lots of dates with lots of people is not playing with others emotions, but using these skills with no real intent is (Hill, 2023).

  • If you are in a long distance relationship a great peace of advice is to read a book together. Then when you are able to talk to each other you will have something to share and learn from (Hill, 2023).

  • You must learn to thrive alone before you can thrive in a relationship. Thriving includes our mind, body, and spirit. Our bodies need vigorous exercise, adequate water and sleep, and a variety of nutrition. Our spirits need constant nourishment from the good word of God and a focus on Jesus Christ. Our mind needs consistent connections to reality and stimulus of growth and joy, which comes from living a life aligned with our why (Hill, 2023).

  • Everyone could use another good friend. Never stop a generous thought or a kind word because you don't think the person would be interested (Hill, 2023). 

  • Marriage is not about what is in the best interest of the individual, it is about the best interest of the whole. Decisions should be made while considering the effects on both spouses and the children (Hill, 2023). This is one application of having the hearts of the children and the fathers turning to each other ( Malachi 4:6).

  • We are suppose to help each other get back to heaven. This is why building relationships are important (Hill, 2023).

  • You have a responsibility to understand the principles of marriage and to defend them. God has given us his law of marriage, it is our responsibility to seek truth and understanding (Hill, 2023).

  • If you still have to develop a desire to be married, look at yourself with compassion. Look at your life from a higher perspective and ponder the decisions you can make right now that you will be eternally grateful for (Hill, 2023).

  • Honor transitional characters. Generational conflicts can be ended by an individual who can absorb harmful behaviors and not pass them on (Hill, 2023).

  • All we are trying to do is shift in the direction of health. Healthy relationships with ourselves and others. We aren't looking for perfection, just progress (Hill, 2023).

  • You have to risk in order to learn to become. You can not change by just talking about something, or taking the easy road. You will have to do the uncomfortable, you must give. Only then will you be able to become something more (Hill, 2023).

  • Someone's name is the most important word in the world to them. Make an effort to learn peoples names and use them in conversations to show others you care (Hill, 2023).

  • To show someone you are attracted to them there are three main tools to use: Animation, closeness, and touch. The closeness should be about a foot apart, and the safest place to touch is the elbow (Hill, 2023).

  • We all fit in Gods kingdom. We can continually pray for the prophet to receive revelation and for our own revelation to understand how this statement is true (Hill, 2023).

  • " What would Jesus Christ do if he was walking across campus" (Hill, 2023). As we go place to place we should not have our phones out or air pods in, we should make eye contact with everyone ( try this and you will see how strange we are as you have to fight the urge to look anywhere but the person), we should smile, say hi, ask questions, and be a friend (Hill, 2023).

What are you going to do?

This Chapter has taught me the the value of friendship and the importance of nourishing them. I am going to plant seeds of friendship by making eye contact with those I walk by, smiling, and saying hello. I am going to use peoples names and always stop to talk to someone I have met before. I am going to be inclusive and make time to nurture valuable relationships.

An additional change I am going to make is to intentionally thrive on my own. I invest in myself through my education and gospel living, but I have not focused enough on my physical wellbeing. As classes get stressful and distractions arise, It is easy to loose focus of what is healthy. I am going to vigorously exercise every week, I am going to track my water intake and nutritional value of food. I am also going to make a daily schedule so that I prioritize what is most important and am able to maintain a better sleep schedule for myself.


Additional Resources

Janet Erickson's BYU devotional November 8, 2022: She gave a inspiring devotional on relationships that deeply affected me. To share some highlights, she taught that we are relational beings designed to love. Being a child of God, a child of the covenant, and a disciple of Jesus Christ are all relationships. God is love and we are to become beings of love. God yearns to be in a deep covenant relationship with us, which is the truest intimacy. relationships allow our soul to grow. With marriage we must create a union strong enough for a child's heart to rely on it. Being loved and not known has little benefit, being known and not loved is our greatest fear, but being deeply known and deeply loved is a lot like being loved by God.


Relationships course given by my bishop and his wife (Dorton & Dorton) on January 22, 2023: In this course we did some activities you could replicate on your own, though I would suggest doing each step as you read them for full effect. We first drew a small circle on a page with our closest friends. We included the people who we felt the deepest connection and spent the most time with. Around that circle we drew a larger circle of our other friends and acquaintances. These were people we talked to and sometimes interacted with, but most of the connection being surface level. We drew a final circle of the people in our life who we have the lowest level relationship with. These are people that we see and may say hi to, may pretend don't exist, but have some kind of interaction with. After completing this exercise we picked our five top attributes we were looking for in a relationship and had to defend them to the class. This could include adventerous, spiritual, funny, athletic, kind to others, passionate, etc. At the end of the class we had to compare our top five attributes to the people on our lists. Did the people in our inner circle have all five attributes? were there people outside of our inner circle who had these attributes? Do we ourselves have all of these attributes? This exercise taught me about the relationships I have with others, and helped me objectively see who I wanted to nourish better relationships with. It also pointed out characteristics of myself I want to work on.


 The Poem "Position" by Carol Lynn Pearson:


If “A” looks up to “B”

Then by nature of the

physical universe

“B” must look down on “A”

Rather like two birds


One on a tree

And one on the ground.


Or so thought Marjorie

Who had always wanted

to marry

A man she could look up to

But wondered where that

Would place her

If she did.


Imagine her astonishment

When she met Michael

and found

That together they stood

Physics on its head.


You could never

Draw this on paper

For it defies design


But year after year

They lived a strange


That by all known laws

Could not occur:


She looked up to him

And he looked up to her (Pearson, 2020).


A video produced by the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (MormonMessages, 2013) titled "Enduring Love.":

Sometimes thoughts of marriage, struggles, and aging really way on my mind. As I stated before, sometimes it can seem so daunting that it isn't the least bit desirable. As I watch this video and feel the love I can't help but shed tears. The sweet care this couple has for each other is one of the most precious things in this world. Although outwardly they have terrible struggles, they really do have it all.



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (2013). Enduring Love.

YouTube. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from 

Dorton, D., & Dorton, J. (2023, January). Relationship Course.

Provo; Multi stake building. 

Erickson, J. J. (2022, November 14). Designed for covenant relationships.

BYU Speeches. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from 

Hill, T. (2023, January). Philosophy and application. Marriage Preparation.

Provo; Brigham Young University. 

Pearson, C. L. (2020). Positions. In Finding mother god: Poems to heal the

world. poem, Gibbs Smith. 


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The Critical Thinking Christian

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