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The content may seem all over the place but I think all of these elements contribute to the foundation of a marriage. These foundational principles help us to focus on the basics of marriage that God ordains. Some of these foundational principles include charity, service, spousal stewardship, and an emotional/spiritual/physical connection. A lot of this section focuses on teaching these truths to children, and I think this is important because teaching this to children helps us simplify. Marriage really can be beautifully simple.


The Savior spent much of His life serving others. I practice becoming more Christ-like by serving my roommate at least once a day for five days in a row without letting her know what I was doing. Some examples of the service I did include cutting her hair, massaging her leg when she was in pain, doing her dishes, driving her to the gym, and writing her a note. Some of these things may seem simple, and others much larger, but service has become a part of our relationship with each other and has helped us come closer as friends. We have always gone on walks together and done other small services for each other, but as I made a greater effort to intentionally do acts of services for her, I noticed she was trying to serve me more too, without even knowing what I was doing. We were able to have a home full of gratitude and appreciate one another more. When I concluded the five days with a note she came into my room and gave me a hug, and not a wimpy hug I might add; when I went to pull away she wouldn't let go. I think serving others can help us prepare for marriage because it keeps us out of a self-centered mentality. Service nourishes a relationship and brings unity and peace into a home. I think it is also important to recognize the service we receive and to not take it for granted. We should never become complacent and expect service from our spouse, but instead receive their simple or large acts of service with gratitude. 


What are you going to do?

I think my studies taught me what it really means when you get married. You become a family. I am inspired to become more independent so that I can cleave to my spouse instead of my family of origin. I am working to build my own identity, so that I can thrive on my own and in a relationship. Building my own identity includes discovering what really is important to me, what hard boundaries I have, and the person I want to become. 

In addition to my study, throughout this chapter I have been going on a first date every single day. I ended up going on 21 first dates 21 days in a row. This taught me to take the pressure off of dating and gain confidence in myself. I learned many valuable lessons but one of the most important lessons was that I can do more to nourish relationships. This goes along with building my identity, but in the past I have always waited for others to reach out/ make plans and thought I was too busy to spend time with friends. As I made time for these dates I realized I can plan out time for those who I care for. I want to consciously make time to nourish the relationships I have in my life. I can do more.



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Things to Remember

  • The importance of eye contact! The eyes are the window to the soul, and when we look into each others eyes our spirits can interact. When we look into each others eyes, we are more human (Hill, 2023). I have been intentionally trying to look into others eyes more and I feel like it has helped others feel more seen and deepened the quality and connection of the conversation.

  • Look outside yourself and see as He sees. Pray for the Lord to open your eyes to see things you don't normally see (Hill, 2023). 

  • We each have attachment styles that impact our ability to feel seen and understood (Hill, 2023).  These can have a very large impact on our relationship with others and are important to be explored. The attachment styles include: anxious, avoidant, disorganized, and secure

  • When you are feeding your baby ( weather you breast feed, bottle feed, etc.) make sure you are interacting with them. Do not let a phone or anything else come between you because this can effect their attachment style (Hill, 2023). 

  • Family is the order of heaven. It is the good life (Hill, 2023).

  • The dating and courtship stage of life can sometimes bring fear. We each have many fears about marriage or committing to one person. Satan is the one who has introduced fear into this world. If you are facing unsurety in courtship ask yourself these questions and if your answers are all yes you should keep moving forward. Are you having fun with this person you are with? Are you having real-life experiences together? Do they inspire you to be better? Are your foundational principles lining up (Hill, 2023)?

  • How to regulate oneself in healthy ways: - cross your arms and legs and practice deep breathing by breathing in 8 seconds, holding it for 4 seconds, breathing out for 8 seconds, holding it for 8 seconds, repeating this for 10-12 minutes. - complete breathing exercise while smelling a lavender oil. -drink ice cold water - vigorously exercise - journal your thoughts and feelings (Hill, 2023). 

  • Each individual in a relationship needs to be an individual. it is important to work in unity, but we can still keep the characteristics that make us unique.

  • Motherhood is not a hobby. It is not something you do if you can squeeze the time in, it is what God gave you time for (Hill, 2023). 

  • Mothers and Fathers have different roles and responsibilities that we learn in the family proclamation. The Lords way is for us to fulfill our divinely appointed responsibilities together.

  • We must make choices that show respect and love toward our spouses. Trust in each other brings peace in the home.

  • Our bodies are created in the image and function of God (Hill, 2023). I think it is important to remember that our sexuality was God given.

  • Your marriage will be blessed if you get on the same page about menstruation (Hill, 2023). This is something that can be uncomfortable to talk about and share, but is very important. It does effect women, and it is important to communicate to your husband how it effects you and what is really happening so that they can support one another.

  • When teaching children about chastity and sexuality it is important to use the correct terminology. This shows that you are comfortable with this topic and that is not something that is dirty or bad. To go along with that, it is important to use age appropriate language and talk in a way that they can understand (Hill, 2023). â€‹â€‹

  • When children are asking about chastity and sexuality, it is important to find the context. Figure out why they are asking and what they are looking for. Let there questions guide how much you share, each child is different and will be ready to learn at a different time. That being said, it is not enough for the only conversations to be happening when they have questions. 3-5 years before a child experiences sexual arousal, they should know the facts of life. make this an ongoing conversation instead of a one and done so they can feel secure and safe.

  • When teaching children about chastity and sexuality both parents should be involved. Again, this helps avoid shame and fear but can also help you take the conversation to a relational aspect. It is important for a child to understand that chastity isn't a list of don'ts, but that it helps us understand the sacred nature of our sexuality and how they are meant to be shared in a marriage relationship.

  • This is a very specific scenario that I have seen many times so I thought I would include. Young boys often have their hands down their pants, because they are exploring their bodies and the sensation is pleasant. Immediately telling them to stop can create shame, and although although each situation may vary, the best response at a young age is to distract them. Without even mentioning it help them get busy doing something else. As the young man gets older it, it will be important to discuss masturbation and recognize that it is a pleasant sensation but that it is meant to be shared only in a marriage relationship, not experienced alone (Hill, 2023).

  • A great way to practice having these crucial conversations is by saying these things to your baby. As you swaddle, hold, and play with your infants you can practice how you would teach your children about chastity and sexuality. They will not understand you but they are still being nurtured and you are able to practice (Hill, 2023). 

  • You are your child's best source of sexual information. Children deserve to be loved, nurtured, and strengthened by parents who are committed to teaching respect for healthy bodies and moral lifestyle questions are answered with both honesty and reverence (Hill, 2023). 

  • If you are still afraid of the same things that are keeping you from progressing, it is time to change. You must move forward because there is so much more for you, and nothing left for you there.



In-class Resources:

Knowing Her Intimately (Brotherson, 2018): this is a book we read in class that has taught me profoundly. One of my biggest takeaways was that men greatly value physical connection and women value emotional connection, so physical touch without the emotional connection can feel hallow and disconnected for women. This seems so simple but I had never truly considered how men's challenge is to control or bridle their sexual energy, while women struggle to awaken and develop both their sexuality and sexual identity. This book emphasized how intimacy is not only physical, but also emotional and spiritual connection, and that all three are needed for a healthy and pleasurable relationship. I have definitely developed an unhealthy relationship with my sexuality and hope to develop my sexual identity. I can only imagine the profound impact on a marriage if both were able to embraced their sexuality as a good and godly part of their being.


An article by Ted Cunningham (2017) titled, "Marriage Means Leaving Home and Cleaving to Each Other,": This article taught me immensely about how to thrive on my own and in a relationship. I saw ways I needed to grow and " leave home" physically, relationally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and even  geographically. As we do this, we can become a team with our spouse and deepen the relationship.

Additional Resources:

Relationships course given by my bishop and his wife (Dorton & Dorton) on January 29, 2023: We focused on setting boundaries in all relationships in our life. They helped explain how we have soft boundaries in our lives where we hope to live within those boundaries but occasionally step outside of those boundaries ( examples: going bed before midnight or never kissing on a first date). They then explained hard boundaries where we never intend to cross the line ( examples: living the law of chastity or never going into debt). They taught how crossing our boundaries leads to frustration, but people can't treat us right if they don't understand our boundaries. We did a practice of writing out hard boundaries and challenged us to make a hard boundary with someone. This was very intimidating but was an incredible experience. It has helped me recognize the boundaries I have and why I act the way I do.


Emotional Resilience courses by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: This is a ten week course that has helped me grow independently and helps me emotionally regulate in healthy ways. 


Live Your Why podcast by Tammy Hill (2023): This podcast is centered around being healthy relationships and I personally have found it beneficial to create positive thoughts on sexuality and help me develop my sexual identity.


Brotherson, L. M. (2018). Knowing her intimately: 12 keys for creating a sextraordinary marriage. Inspire Book.

Cunningham, T. (2017, May 26). Marriage means leaving home and cleaving to each other. Focus on the Family.

Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

Dorton, D., & Dorton, J. (2023, January). Relationship Course. Provo; Multi stake building. 

Finding strength in the lord: Emotional resilience. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (2020, January

1). Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

Hill, T. (2023, January). Foundational Principles. Marriage Preparation. Provo; Brigham Young University

Hill, T.  (2023-2020). Live Your Why [Audio podcast]. Apple Podcasts. 

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The Critical Thinking Christian

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